New Art Show: Phil Horning

We hope you all had a chance to see Lin Jovanovic’s beautiful mosaic work while it was displayed in the library. We have so many talented, creative members of our congregation, and it is such a privilege to be able to share their work with our members. Speaking of talented, creative members, our newest exhibition […]

Know Your Rights Workshop

Come learn about your rights and what to do when interacting with police officers and immigration agents. Organized by Foothill Fire & hosted by UUCM’s Justice Team. Thanks to Norcal Resist for making this event possible!

Elevator Speech Workshops

UU Elevator Speech – What do you say when…?a 3-session series or a one-afternoon workshop UU Elevator Speech, with Rev. Kevin, guides participants through developing a short speech about our Unitarian Universalist faith. It is called an “elevator speech” because, on an elevator ride when someone asks you “what is Unitarian Universalism?” you only have […]

Share the Plate

UUCM’s January Share the Plate recipient, Sierra Roots, will receive $1,172, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up.  Thank you all. As of this writing, we are currently finishing up collections for our February partner, Community Beyond Violence. Our March Share the Plate recipient is Interfaith Food Ministry – […]

Structure + Choice = Trust

Our Kids’ Connection program has an intentional design, one that is consistent with our goal of promoting feelings of TRUST in our young charges. One overarching design principle that permeates our program is best captured in the phrase CHOICE WITHIN STRUCTURE. Competing philosophies of education often are geared toward one or the other of those […]

A Day of Resistance, Resilience, and Action

UUCM will be open from 12:00pm -8:30pm to support your needs in solidarity with the 24-hour Economic Blackout. You are invited to come. Bring food to share or not.  This drop in event of overlapping activities includes : and more! For questions or to volunteer at the event, please contact More about the Economic […]

The Silence Slips In

What is silence? And how is silence related to listening? While not exactly the same thing, silence and listening do overlap each other. Maybe one definition of silence could be eliminating the noises or sounds that we make so that we can take note of, or listen to, noises or sounds that we are not […]

Deep Dialogue Workshops

How do we repair connections across seemingly irreconcilable differences and unresolved hurt feelings? Do we have to simply accept the loss of relationships – actual or possible – cutting the world into smaller and smaller slices of the people we can relate to? Our faith as Unitarian Universalists calls us to another, far more hopeful […]

UU History with Rev. Kevin

UU History is a 6-session introduction to concepts and people from our history. In this series, we’ll approach history from the starting point of compelling stories and personalities. The overarching question is: how can history be translated into our religious life and practice? In addition to learning about history, we hope you will learn about yourselves.