Imagine My Surprise
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
September 26, 2021
Gail Johnson Vaughan and Cheryl Morris, Worship Associates
Nineteen months into the restrictions of the pandemic has been like climbing to the top of a high mountain – a climb most of us would have thought impossible. Now here, we can see unexpected possibilities in every direction. Join us this week as members of our congregation share the surprising possibilities that have been revealed to them during this difficult journey as we conclude our month of exploring the theme of what it means to be a people who embrace possibility.
Greeting Gail Johnson Vaughan, Worship Associate
Song for Gathering Open My Heart #1013, Henry Flurry, Jordan Thomas-Rose
Welcome Gail Johnson Vaughan
Lighting of the Chalice Holding Reality and Possibility Together by Samuel A Trumbore, read by Shannon Dooley Miller
Land Acknowledgement read by Andy Dooley Miller
Opening Words by Rev. Scott Tayler, read by Cheryl Morris
Wisdom for All Ages The Dot by Peter J. Reynolds (permission to share granted by Candlewick Press), read by Gail Johnson Vaughan
Joys & Sorrows Beth Karow
Prayer & Meditation Meditation on Letting Go by Carol Allman-Morton, read by Beth Karow
Song Comfort Me #1002, Mimi Bornstein, Jordan Thomas-Rose
Reading by Charles Eisenstein, read by Cheryl Morris
Option B What Makes Surviving the Pandemic Possible? Gail Johnson Vaughan, with photos from members and friends.
Tapestry Imagine My Surprise!
Pam Kisor – Pandemic Surprises
Tom Wernigg – Embracing Possibility
Grace Kendrick – What’s Possible
Jasper Waters – Embracing Possibility in a Time of Confinement
Offering Gail Johnson Vaughan
25% of our offering this month will support Color Me Human, whose mission is to “Celebrate, Elevate, Educate, Advocate to create a safe, equitable world for Black, Indigenous, People of Color and LGBTQ folks.”
Since we are not passing a plate in person, giving in other ways is vital to our ability to sustain the work of our community. Thank you for your generosity. See the insert for ways to give by text, PayPal, UUCM’s website or by mail.
Offertory Jordan Thomas-Rose
Dedication Gail Johnson Vaughan
Thank you
Closing Song How Can I Keep From Singing (My Life Flows On In Endless Song) #108 by Pauline T. and Doris Plenn, music by Robert Lowry
Closing Words An Ending, or Merely a Prelude to Glorious Beginnings? by Michael A. Schuler, read by Gail Johnson Vaughan
Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice
Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.
Music for Going Forth