What’s the Word?
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
January 23, 2022
Rev. Kevin Tarsa, with Cheryl Morris and Gail Johnson Vaughan, worship associates
All month long we’ve been inviting you to consider your word for the new year – a word to travel with, to put under your pillow, to eat breakfast with, to dance, wrestle, and cavort with. A word to keep near your heart all year long. This Sunday, we ask you to choose and share your word as part of your own effort to live with intention.
At the center of your being, you have the answer;
you know who you are, and you know what you want.~ Lao Tzu ~
Song for Gathering There’s a River Flowin’ in My Soul #1007 by Faya Ora Rose Touré, Jamie Thomas-Rose, piano
Welcome Cheryl Morris, Worship Associate
Lighting of the Chalice Chalice Lighting on Thresholds by Florence Caplow, read by Anita Wald-Tuttle
Land Acknowledgement read by Laura Harter
Opening Words Intentions and Trust by Amy Loyd, read by Gail Johnson Vaughan
Wisdom for All Ages You are a Beautiful Beginning by Nina Laden, read by Jim Bair
Joys & Sorrows
Prayer & Meditation
Music As I Go by Lea Morris
Reading A Word for the Year, Kate Canan, Marilyn Winters (read by Cheryl Morris), Christy Barden, and Chuck Champlin
Sermon What’s the Word? Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Offering Cheryl Morris
25% of our offering this month will support: Sierra Roots, whose members take a relationship-based approach in their work with homeless people. They are dedicated to listening to homeless people and collaborating with them to make progress in their health, self-reliance, and action plans for secure, safe homes.
Offertory Jamie Thomas-Rose
Dedication Cheryl Morris
Thank you Rev. Kevin
Closing Song Woyaya #1020 by L. Amoa, S. Amarfio, R. Bailey, R. Bedeau, F. Osei, W. Richardson, and M. Tontoh, Jamie Thomas-Rose, piano
Closing Words Rev. Kevin
Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice
Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.
Music for Going Forth