I do. We do.
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
January 30, 2022
Rev. Kevin Tara, with Gail Johnson Vaughan and Cheryl Morris, Worship Associates
Until the current COVID surge, a consultant was scheduled to engage members of the congregation this weekend as part of figuring out next steps regarding UUCM’s facilities. Though that weekend was postponed, we still focus on the promises at the heart of creating community such as this, and at the heart of finding our way forward as a community.
Welcome Gail Johnson Vaughan, Worship Associate
Lighting of the Chalice We are Called by Rev Natalie Fenimore, read by Karyn Packard
Land Acknowledgement read by Gary Kisor
Opening Words Come Down Off the Ladder by David S. Blanchard, read by Pam Kisor
Wisdom for All Ages The Cricket and the Coin as told by Lea Morris, and I Hear Life by Lea Morris
Joys & Sorrows
Prayer & Meditation
Music Will You Love by Hal Walker www.halwalkermusic.com
Reading The Church Has Left the Building by Margaret Weis, read Beth Karow
Sermon I do. We do., Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Offering Cheryl Morris
25% of our offering this month will support: Sierra Roots, whose members take a relationship-based approach in their work with homeless people. They are dedicated to listening to homeless people and collaborating with them to make progress in their health, self-reliance, and action plans for secure, safe homes.
Offertory Jordan Thomas-Rose
Dedication Cheryl Morris
Thank you
Closing Song Building a New Way #1017 by Martha Sandefer, Chuck Champlin, drums, Tom Wernigg, violin, Jordan Thomas-Rose, piano and voice
Closing Words
Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice
Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.
Music for Going Forth