Caring Team Update

Perhaps you’ve heard the story about the little boy who kept saying “I don’t care!” And then a lion ate him. And then his parents took the lion, with the little boy inside, to a doctor. The doctor said there was nothing he could do. The little boy, meanwhile, kept saying, “I don’t care!”

The lion got tired of the whole situation and threw up the little boy. When this happened, the little boy changed his tune. He started saying, “I do care!”

How many of us find ourselves saying, “I don’t care!” Especially these days when caring is risky? Fortunately, UUCM has a Parish Caring Team with members who find active ways to care. A recent survey is available where those interested can check off what they wish to do and ways they can serve our UUCM community. Here is the link: 

There are many ways to contribute. If interested, please contact or reach out to a member of the team.

Gwen Eymann, Chair, Anne Lyon, Penny Harlan, Cheryl Morris, Robin Hart, Carol Hyndman, and Jenny Dewey.