Dear Soul Matters Circle Members

Dear Soul Matter Circle members,

We hope you’ve had a rich experience in your circle this year. Thank you to you and the facilitators for bringing yourselves so genuinely to this journey of sharing and connecting. Here’s to share the plans ahead, to ask about your participation in the new year, and to request a sentence or two about what the experience has meant to you.

As you may know, each circle decides what it wants to do over the summer. Some circles meet for simple social celebrations of the year. Some seek materials as a resource for a couple more months of sharing.

We’re beginning our planning for the fall, which includes saying a huge THANK YOU! to Jo Waters for her fabulous administrating, and welcoming Gene Gilligan and Lin Jovanovic to the Soul Matters Administrator role!

We’ll be getting word and invitations out in August, starter/sample circles will be offered in September, and then we’ll kick off the official new year of circles in October.

You know already that Soul Matters circles are meant to form for one congregation year. Circles are then invited to draw upon the powerful connections formed and to share that ability to go deep by making new connections with new people the next year, so that the threads across the community become more and more widespread, interwoven, and strong. Plus, you’ll still have the deep connections you’ve already made to take with you!

Would you like to be in a Soul Matters Circle in the coming UUCM year? If you know already, please contact Gene at  Otherwise, Gene will reach out in August.  And, if you feel drawn to the possibility of facilitating a circle, please contact Gene or Rev Kevin. 

Regardless, would you please share with us a sentence or two about what being in a circle has meant to you, or how it has been valuable?

It’s a great way to help new people know what circles can offer, and for us to get feedback. We’d also be glad for any descriptions and photos of service projects circles undertook.

Please send your thoughts and photos to Gene at

May those of you still concluding your Soul Matters year have a meaningful closing circle or two.

With gratitude for the heart and soul that you brought to your circle, and with deep gratitude to our generous and thoughtful facilitators,

Rev. Kevin, Gene Gilligan, and Lin Jovanovic