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Quick Links for Members

Download Directory: Available only to UUCM Members & pledging Friends. For access questions, please email
Volunteer on Sunday
Reserve a Room: to reserve space for events that are NOT church-related, email
Submit an Announcement: submission deadline for eChalice is 8:30am Thursdays
Mountain Chalice Article: submission deadline is the 20th of the preceding month
Upload Photos & Videos: available only to UUCM Members & pledging Friends. For access questions, please email
Join the Postcard Club: learn more, sign up to write postcards, or become a funder!
Events Calendar
Building Calendar: helpful when planning an event at UUCM *does NOT include ALL UUCM events* only ones taking place in our building questions contact
Board Reports & Documents
[photo of members meeting around board table]
UUCM's Board of Trustees meets the 3rd Wednesday at 1:30pm.
Ministry Teams
Board Committees
UUCM Groups

More Helpful Information:

These are questions commonly asked about UUCM’s communications.
Need something else? Don’t hesitate to contact the office!

There are many platforms to get your information out to UUCM members, friends and the greater community.

For ARTICLES: to go into the monthly Mountain Chalice or the online blogs – please use the Mtn Chalice Newsletter Form – These are longer news items that typically do not have dates/times (events) associated with them.

For ANNOUNCEMENTS: to go into our weekly email, social media, website or Sunday slides – please use the Announcement Form. These are events or shorter news pieces. Your announcement will be placed in every suitable publication that you request for which the deadline has not yet passed.

You will be contacted if there are any questions or missing information. Our Admin may edit and revise for clarity, length, and grammar/conventions.

For advertisements, suggestions, invitations and other casual updates: please post to our Google group, uucmConnect! Simply send an email to:
*if you are not a member of the group, you won’t be able to send or receive messages. Please contact to join in!

The following communication platforms are available to publicize a UUCM activity, event, or another newsworthy item.

Note: The intention is to promote items where requested, taking into account space limitations as well as sensitivity to communication saturation.

Choose where the item should be posted when the form is submitted.

  • The Website: Listed on the calendar, the blogs, or as an announcement
  • The Mountain Chalice: The monthly pdf newsletter
  • The e-Chalice: The weekly email
  • Sunday Slides: Shown during the Sunday morning Service (number is limited).
  • Social Media: UUCM Facebook and Instagram Pages – feel free to follow and like us – then SHARE our posts to help promote us to the greater community

Note that it is best to submit early to ensure there is time to adequately share and collect all relevant information and materials.

Websiteas needed
Social Mediaas needed
Mountain Chalice20th of the preceding month
eChaliceThursdays at 8:00am
Sunday SlidesWednesdays at 8:00am

Your role is to ensure that your group/team/committee’s information is up to date. If any information needs to be changed on the website, for events, or who receives the group email please follow the info below.

  • Keep your website group/team/committee page current by reviewing them at least once a year. Simply submit any updates by using the Update My Website Form.
  • Keep your group’s email recipient current so the right person is receiving them. Email updates to
  • Use the Announcement Form or Article Form to publicize your events or announcements.

What if something changes (date, time, location, cancelled) after submitting my announcement?

We understand that changes happen. Please use the Update My Announcement form to submit your changes as soon as you know of them so we can update any announcements right away.

The UUA offers an extensive library of leadership videos,  online classes, and resources.


Rev. Kevin Tarsa
(530) 274-1661

Administrative Assistant

Siobhan Boylan
(530) 274-1675

Music Director & Choir Director

Toby Thomas-Rose

Board of Trustees

President: Taylor Carey,

Vice President: Carol Richey,

Treasurer: Gail Schulz,

Secretary: Lin Jovanovic,

Member at large: Jeff Gold, Trustee1@uugrassvalley.or

Member at large: Charlene Haden,

Member at large: Chuck Champlin,

Committees exist to help the Board govern, under the direction of the Board and accountable to the Board for their performance.

Ministry Teams exist to carry out the ministry programs of the Community in service of the Mission. Teams are created, charged, supervised, dissolved by and accountable to the Minister, in consultation with the Ministry Council.