Masking Tapes: The You Beneath What You Do

Masking Tapes: The You Beneath What You Do
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
January 28, 2024
Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Cheryl Morris, Worship Associate

This service is also available to listen to as a podcast on YouTube Music!
UUCM On-the-Go

This next in Rev. Kevin’s series of Enneagram-rooted services invites us to explore the 3-ness in each of us, and the tendency to base our value in what we do or how we appear. Rooted in affirming the inherent worth and dignity of each person, we’ll consider our own value, and let the journey inform our final choice of our word for the year.   

(You are invited to choose a word for the year, a word, idea, concept, or value to journey with and to be in conversation with throughout 2024.) 

Song for Gathering There’s a River Flowin’ in My Soul #1007 by Faya Rose Touré

Greeting  Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Land Acknowledgement

Greeting One Another

Lighting of the Chalice Put Away the Pressures of the World by Erika Hewitt 
 read by Lesley and Chuck Champlin 

Singing the Children on Their Way  

Welcome Cheryl Morris, Worship Associate   

Music [VIDEO]  Three by Sleeping at Last

Joys & Sorrows  

Prayer & Meditation  I am Remembering (Who I Am) with spoken text by Rev. Kevin Tarsa  

Sermon  Masking Tapes: The You Beneath What You Do   Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Our Words for the Year 

Offering  Cheryl Morris


Dedication Cheryl Morris 

Thank you & Announcements

Closing Song  How Could Anyone #1053 by Libby Roderick

Closing Words  

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.   

Music for Going Forth