Corps Values

Corps Values
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
April 28, 2024
Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Cheryl Morris, Worship Associates

Core Values exercises can help individuals focus their life energies and attention in ways that align with what truly matters most to them. So too with groups of people, with the added and significant step of figuring out which values are genuinely shared. This Sunday we kick off our final preparation for an Association-wide attempt to spell out anew our “corps” shared values for ourselves and the world. No small thing in an individualist culture and nation. 

Song for Gathering  Love Will Guide Us #131 by Sally Rogers 

Greetings  Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Land Acknowledgement  read by Carol Grant

Lighting of the Chalice  Pieces of our Values (from Article II) read by Dorothy and Ralph Hitchcock 

Singing the Children on Their Way  

Welcome  Cheryl Morris, Worship Associate 

Opening Words  We Belong to Each Other by Rev. Gretchen Haley  read by Carol Kuczora 

Song  Love Will Guide Us #131 by Sally Rogers

Stewardship Appreciation 

Joys & Sorrows 

Prayer & Meditation

Song  Spirit of Life by Carolyn McDade #123

Sermon Corps Values Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Offering  Cheryl Morris, Worship Associate 



Thank you & Announcements

Closing Song  Woyaya #1020 by Loughty Amoa, Solomon Amarfio, Robert M. Bailey, Roy Bedeau, 
Francis T. Osei, Whendell K. Richardsion, and Mac Tontoh, arr. Jeannie Gagne

Closing Words  

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.   

Music for Going Forth