Stepping In, Stepping Out

Stepping In, Stepping Out
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
June 16, 2024
Beth Karow & Carol Nimick, Worship Associates

Renewal happens as we mindfully ’step-in’ to each moment with each breath or we ‘step-away’ for new perspectives and experiences. Renewal is integral to the life of our beings, community, planet. We’ll explore the diverse range of opportunity to renew ourselves, our beliefs, and UU faith. 

Song for Gathering Morning Has Broken #38 words by Eleanor Farjeon, traditional Gaelic melody 

Greeting  Carol Nimick

Land Acknowledgement

Lighting of the Chalice  We Will Be Renewed by Pat Uribe-Lichty, read by Joyce Wilson

Singing the Children on Their Way  

Welcome  Beth Karow 

Opening Words Begin Again by Jeannette Encinias, read by Carol Nimick


Joys & Sorrows 

Prayer Meditation  A Prayerful Meditation for Renewal by Rev. Dr. Rebekah Savage, read by Beth Karow

Song Spirit of Life #123 by Carolyn McDade  

Reflection  Beth Karow 

Song  Return Again  #1011 by Shlomo Carlebach   

Reflection  Karl Snyder 

Song  Return Again (reprise)

Reflection  Carol Richey 

Song  Return Again  (reprise)

Reflection  Jeff Gold 

Song  Return Again  (reprise)

Reflection  Carol Nimick 

Song  Return Again  (reprise)

Offering   Carol Nimick

Offertory  Toby Thomas-Rose, piano with Taylor Carey, guitar

Dedication  Carol Nimick  

Thank you & Announcements

Closing Song  When Our Heart is in a Holy Place #1008 by Joyce Poley   

Closing Words  The Clearing by Martha Postlewaite, read by Beth Karow

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.   

Music for Going Forth