Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
January 5, 2025
Sophia McKean and Randy McKean, Worship Associates
What do you do when your history has been purposefully obscured? This Sunday, we look at Beyonce’s Cowboy Carter and the creation of a Queer British Art exhibit at the Tate as two examples of answers to that question. Join us for an exploration of the ways art can help us reclaim lost stories.
Song for Gathering Hello, Stranger by Lesley Riddle, performed by Randy McKean
Greeting Sophia McKean
Land Acknowledgement read by Janet Johnson
Lighting of the Chalice A Shared Story by Rev. Sandra Fees read by Jax
Singing the Children on Their Way
Welcome Randy McKean
Opening Words Sophia McKean
Meditation Sophia McKean
Joys & Sorrows
Song Return Again #1011 by Schlomo Carlebach
Reading Wooed into this World by Rev. Scott Tayler, read by Sasha Kerkmann Hood
Sermon Re-Telling Sophia McKean
Offering Randy McKean, with Nick Wilczek, Sierra Roots board member
Dedication Randy McKean
Thank you & Announcements
Closing Song Just As Long as I Have Breath #6 words by Alicia S. Carpenter music by Johann G. Ebeling
Closing WordsNaming the Largest Truths by Rev. Vanessa Southern read by Sophia McKean
Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice
Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.
Music for Going Forth