Bending the Arc Toward Racial Justice

A Justice Team Task Force

members at black lives matter booth

The Bending the Arc Toward Racial Justice Task Force works to reduce the effects of white privilege and systemic racism while increasing justice, equity, and compassion, helping UUCM and its members to live their justice values.

“I do not pretend to understand the moral universe: the arc is a long one, [and] my eye reaches but a little ways. I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight; … But from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice.”
~ Rev. Theodore Parker (1810-1860), Unitarian Minister

Task Force Initiatives

The Bending the Arc Toward Racial Justice Task Force has three major initiatives. Click the links to find out what work the taskforce is doing in that area:

  1. Voter Education Campaign
  2. Education of the congregation regarding dismantling racism
    • Offer Wellspring curriculum to help prepare congregation for Article II vote
    • Implement antiracism curriculum recommended by Mistakes and Miracles book discussion group
    • Facilitate congregational conversations about the proper structure for implementing the congregational objective of dismantling racism
  3. Support Local Marginalized Communities
    • Participate in MLK celebration and other BIPOC and other marginalized community events in Nevada County
    • Contact each BIPOC and other marginalized communities organizations to ask how we can be of service and offer our availability and resources to help with events that recognize and promote BIPOC and other marginalized community
    • Recruit UUCM members to fill requests of service
    • Keep the congregation informed of the activities of BIPOC organizations through Sunday services, justice events, the e-Chalice, and the Mountain Chalice

Be on the lookout for Task Force invitations to learn, grow, connect, witness, and to be of service.

To learn how this Bending the Arc Task Force is organized, about its various roles, definitions, and expectations, read more HERE.

For additional information about the Bending the Arc Toward Racial Justice Task Force, contact

Background and Resources

Black Lives Mattering and De-centering Whiteness

The Unitarian Universalist Association and Unitarian Universalists across the nation made a commitment several years ago to center the voices of people of color and to de-center whiteness within our institutions. It is long-term, deep, work, and work to which we, too, are committed.

If you are looking for a place to start or to continue your learning, watch for offerings from UUCM’s Bending the Arc Toward Racial Justice Task Force, and draw on some of these resources:

Black LIves Matter banner