A Fun Festival with Friends!

On Saturday, October 21, UUCMers came together to celebrate the changing of the seasons with food, fun, and friends.

Many thanks to the Membership Team for sponsoring this event.

Big thanks to the organizer, Shannon Dooley-Miller as well as the chili chefs, cornbread cooks, and apple cake bakers, the ticket-takers, beverage pourers, set-up and clean-up crews, decorators, and dancers!

Check them out below:

country dancers lined up facing
country dancers skip along outside
country dancers under the bridge
country dancers meet partners under the bridge
country dancers swing their partners
country dancers lined up with little boy down the middle
country dancers sashay down the center
country dancers skip along outside
country dancers make bridge at the top
country dancers find their partner at the top
country dancers under the bridge
country dancers under the bridge
country dancers under the bridge
country dancers under the bridge
country dancers swing their partners
country dancers swing their partners
country dancers sashay down the middle
country dancers make a bridge at the top
country dancers under the bridge
country dancers under the bridge
country dancers under the bridge