Family Ministry: Slowing Down for Summer

I love the fact that our church year is like a school year—starting up fresh in September each year and slowing down in June. For me, it is a pattern that brings with it the comfort of familiarity. Even more important, though, is that the opportunity for renewal is built into this pattern. Even though […]

Interdependence and Wooden Easter Eggs

A few months ago, I read the book Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake. It is a paean to the interdependence at work in natural ecosystems such as forests and fields. What impressed me about Sheldrake’s message is how at first glance, these ecosystems seem to be made-up of individual and identifiable forms, such as trees […]

Changes in Kids Connection: Come See For Yourselves

Over the last few months, as we have been redesigning our Kids Connection spaces and rituals, we have been moved to consider how our Kids Connection program might affect our UUCM children in the long run. What will our children remember about their time in Kids Connection at UUCM? How might their memories of Kids Connection influence the people they grow up to be? […]

With Loving Intentions for the New Year

The New Year is always a good time to rethink the usefulness or effectiveness of our routines and habits. Upstairs, in our Kids Connection program, we have been doing some of this New
Year rethinking. We are looking forward to many opportunities of connecting with you and your children in the year ahead.

Generosity – the UU Way

Generosity is such a fundamental value of Unitarian Universalism. We are called upon to share our talents, our time, our energy, and our financial resources for the good of each other, our community, and the hole wide world. Learning to be generous starts in childhood. Children experience their very first lessons on generosity when the […]

Our UU Heritage: Let’s Pass It On

This month’s theme is a juicy one—heritage. I decided to begin my preparations for this article by looking up the numerous definitions of heritage. There was one upon which I chose to focus—“valued objects and qualities, such as cultural traditions . . ., that have been passed down from previous generations.” UU’s have many beloved […]

Welcome, September!

Welcome back to a new church year of working together, celebrating together, and simplyenjoying each others’ company. One thing this UU community does exceptionally well iswelcome people into the flow of activity that is UUCM. It is who we are and what we do—“weare a welcoming people.” This month we are extending a very heartfelt […]

Memories of Summers Past

I bet if we were to gather a group of us together for a discussion about some of our fondestmemories from childhood, many of those memories would be related to how we spent oursummers. My childhood summer memories mostly involve palling around with neighborhoodfriends—participating in seemingly endless sessions of hide-n-seek or tag-you’re-it, usually atdusk; competing […]

Kids’ Connection – Summer Mode

There is important news from the Family Ministry Team this month. Big changes are coming our way. We want to acknowledge the work of two very important people on our Team, as they prepare to step away in order to explore and develop other aspects of their interesting lives. First, Jo Waters will be stepping […]

February is Love!

How appropriate is it that the theme for the month of February is Love! This is the month of Valentines Day of course, but it’s also a time of new beginnings of many things. In the world of UUCM, Rev Jan Onnie has joined us as our sabbatical leave minister, we have hired Aiden McCarthy to be our new Kids Connection teacher (mentored by Lindsay and myself), and one of our new members Cheryl Spaulding has decided to join our Family Ministry Team. […]