Share the Plate!

UUCM’s November Share the Plate recipient, Bright Futures for Youth, will receive $900.93, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up!  Thank you all.

Kudos to Sierra Roots Volunteers

UUCM was well represented at the Sierra Roots Cold Weather Shelter training on November 9. Sierra Roots manages the overnight shelter located at the Vets building in Nevada City on cold and snowy nights from November to March. UUCM member Alice Johnson is the Cold Weather Shelter Volunteer Coordinator. Alice reports that nine UUCM members […]

Share the Plate

UUCM’s September Share the Plate recipient, Sierra Streams Institute, will receive $775, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up.  Thank you all. As of this writing, we are currently finishing up collections for our October partner, Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release.   Our November Share the Plate recipient is Bright […]

Share the Plate!

UUCM’s August Share the Plate recipient, Animal Place, will receive $652.97, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up.  Thank you all. As of this writing, we are currently finishing up collections for our September partner, Sierra StreamsInstitute.   Our October Share the Plate recipient is Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release (WR&R).  Founded […]

Update on Welcome to Andou/St Fort Family

Moustapha Andou and sons Daniel (8) and Samuel (4) are moving rapidly toward completion of many paperwork activities, and the boys began school last Wednesday and seem to be happy and doing well, although it is clear that the boys suffer from the “secondary trauma” of beginning a new school in a new language, and […]

Share the Plate!

UUCM’s July Share the Plate recipient, Color Me Human, will receive $993.97, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up.  Thank you all. As of this writing, we are currently finishing up collections for our August partner,  Animal Place.  Our September Share the Plate recipient is Sierra Streams Institute. Sierra […]

Share the Plate

UUCM’s June Share the Plate recipient, Kare Crisis Nursery, will receive $937.55, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up.  Thank you all. As of this writing, we are currently finishing up collections for our July partner,  Color Me Human.  Our August Share the Plate recipient is Animal Place.   […]

UU’s and CCL at the Grass Valley July 4th Parade

Many members of UUCM joined the local chapter of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) in the Grass Valley July 4th Parade. By partnering with a local organization, we are more effective than working alone and significantly strengthen the impact of our partner. The CCL float promoted the four climate solutions: 1. Healthy Forests2. Electrification3. Permitting […]