Could you be our Hospitality Coordinator?

We are looking for someone to Coordinate Sunday Hospitality!

Beth Rose has served in this role for the last 2 years since we reopened from the pandemic. She says Sunday Hospitality is a very rewarding service and she has enjoyed building new relationships with the many “conversations in the kitchen.”

The number of volunteers for set up and clean up in the kitchen has grown to include approximately 10 or so regular volunteers including one Soul Matter Circle group that supports once a month! With just a few more volunteers, the calendar will easily fill up and the Coordinator’s role will become even easier. One important bit of wisdom Beth learned is that we will survive perfectly well if we don’t have a refreshment table every Sunday. She says, “It’s the Community and not the Gluten that binds us. Ha, ha, a good one right?”

Beth’s support as Coordinator will end August 15th, but she will continue to volunteer once a month for set up and clean up.

Please read Beth’s “job description” below and consider if this service is a match for you!
Then contact Beth at to volunteer or share new ideas for organizing this important ministry.