with Randy McKean and Lindsay Dunckel
Carols, candles, elegant evergreens, lovely music, brief poems and reflections, the passing of the light: Christmas Eve steeped in wonder, gentle joy, and your presence.
PLEASE NOTE: Given the rise in COVID and flu illness in our area, we strongly encourage masking for all in-person events. This is a way of caring for each other as well as for our own health. Thank you for your ongoing flexibility!
If you are feeling unwell or have had a known COVID exposure, please attend on-line, rather than in person.
In-Person (see map below)
246 South Church Street, Grass Valley.
Meeting ID: 746 107 217
Passcode: 688010 (already embedded in the link above)
Join by phone
1 669 444 9171
1 669 900 6833
1 408 638 0968
Meeting ID: 746 107 217 #
Passcode: 688010