
Live your values aloud, not alone!

Live your values aloud, not alone!

UUCM’s active Justice Team supports the congregation’s learning and action toward a more compassionate, sustainable and just community and world. The Team oversees, supports, and helps focus UUCM’s justice initiatives, primarily through the work of UUCM’s task forces voted on by the congregation, as well as through Rapid Response opportunities, which are urgent calls for action that arise throughout the year. The Justice Team is a thinking, planning and oversight group keeping an eye on the overall picture, while the on-the-ground work of justice is done through the programs of the task forces themselves. New task forces may arise during the year as need, passion, and support surface.

Meeting in person and via Zoom on 3rd Wednesdays at 5:00pm.

Meeting ID: 962 2971 3947
Passcode: 796444

For more information, contact Justice@uugrassvalley.org.

Economic Justice: Share the Plate!

share the plate png

Share the Plate

Each month UUCM dedicates 25% of the undesignated offerings collected in the Sunday services to a local organization doing good in our wider community, organizations whose work matches our Unitarian Universalist values. The Justice Team determines which organizations to support each year. […]

Rapid Response: When the time is now!

When UUCM members and friends are called to respond quickly and nimbly to injustice in areas that fall outside the work of the Task Forces, the Justice Team mobilizes a Rapid Response.

The procedure for Rapid Response is as follows:

  1. A member who becomes aware of a justice-related event that warrants response, or a public action in which UUCM might join, contacts a designated member of the Justice Team by phone or email, identifying the need, the reason to respond, and possible responses. 
  2. The Justice contact person clarifies the nature of the proposed rapid response with the proposer, confirming that it is time critical. The contact person seeks to quickly contact a leader of the Justice Team and the minister to request their consideration and potential approval.  
  3. Given approval, the proposer is responsible for organizing any needed response consistent with the proposal, and the Justice Team helps to get word out to members and friends.  

Check out the Task Forces

The Justice Ministry Team helps focus UUCM’s justice initiatives through the work of task forces.  These are voted on by the congregation each January.

Current Task Forces are:

Watch for news and updates from the Justice Team! 

CalTrans green Adopt-A-Highway sign with UUCM logo and Clean California log both superimposed over green landscape and highway in the background

March 17: “Adopt” A-Road Litter Pick-Up

Our first outing will be Sunday, March 17!!
Meet at 12:15 at UUCM for directions and materials. […]