Men's Group

The UUCM Men’s Group has informal gatherings of warm and welcoming UU men. Topics include life experiences, world events, art, science, religion or the lack of it. It is a group that is thoroughly stimulating and interesting and seeks always to be nonjudgmental. We have no leaders and no agenda. All men are welcome. […]

membership team meeting graphic: simplified people in red, blue, and green set in light blue circle on field of dark green

The UUCM Membership Team accompanies people along their entire membership journey, from first time newcomer to long-time member. If you love to help people feel at home and welcome, are drawn to help others find belonging and meaningful connection or want to help other know the value and joy of membership, this may be just the team for your energy and gifts. […]

Adult Choir

Enjoy a fun and gentle chance to connect, to make music together, to develop your voice, to singing in harmony, and to support the musical depth of Sunday services. […]

writers group lady writing in journal

The Writers’ Group and is a supportive community of like-minded writers who come together to pursue the art and craft of writing. The members can help each other by offering suggestions, giving information, and even providing positive criticism to help enhance their writing skills. Whether novice or experienced, all are welcome. […]

Parkinson's Support Groups 1st & 4th Thursdays @ 10:30am

The Parkinson Association of Northern California (PANC) hosts twice-monthly support groups at UUCM: one for carepartners and another for those living with Parkinson’s. Their hope is to make it easier for partners to attend together, while giving each the support they need. […]

UU History Tuesdays or Thursdays February - April 2025

UU History is a 6-session introduction to concepts and people from our history. In this series, part of a Faith Forward program Rev. Kevin is sampling, we’ll approach history from the starting point of compelling stories and personalities. We will explore the questions those people faced and make connections with our own lives and the […]

Arts & Crafts Circle 2nd & 4th Fridays @ 1:00pm

A great chance to meet with other UUs on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in the Alcott Room (refreshments space) to work in community on your own art or craft form! A place to enjoy others’ company while working on independent projects with people who are doing the same. You’re sure to get encouragement and inspiration! No teacher or […]

fractal of interior of spiral shell; "Deep Dialogue Across Differences with Rev. Cat Cox"

Deep Dialogue Across DifferencesSaturday, March 22 and Saturday, March 2910:00 am – 12:00 pmwith Rev. Cat Cox, M.A.T., M.Div.On Zoom from home, or for a limited number of people, with others at UUCMPlease RSVP below – Zoom link will be shared with participants closer to the event. How do we repair connections across seemingly irreconcilable […]

tattered and mended stuffed patchwork heart; service info: "Knitting up the Frayed and Raveling and Broken Heart Rev. Kevin Tarsa Cheryl Morris & Tracy Pepper Worship Associates 10:30am March 30, 2025 on-site | online"

In a review, Marilynne Robinson claimed both that “It is trust that knits up the world,” and also that trust “is a stuff peculiarly liable to fraying and raveling.” This is the often tender nature of the world and our relationships. We end our month with an invitation to hold this truth with care, and […]