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Going back to school can be a very difficult time in the life of a foster child. Help make their first day of school fun and uplifting. Help them feel like they fit in with their peers and have all the cool gear. 

Babies in foster care need items as well. Help with the transition into this world for a baby in foster care and help create the foundation of a healthy and happy future. 

Thank you for sponsoring these children!

**Please drop off all donations by August 19!**

Citizens’ Climate Lobby is an international grassroots environmental group that trains and supports volunteers to build relationships with their elected representatives in order to influence climate policy. Come to the Nevada County Chapter to find out how we’re working to correct climate change by affecting real change in Congress! […]

various potluck entree items on wood table in white frame on yellow background and text: "Circle Lunches Gather Connect Enjoy!"

Join others for a casual potluck at UUCM. Sign up below – you can sign up for one or both. Limit 10 people. Let us know you are coming and what you plan to bring – the focus is on conversation and company – no pressure to make something fancy (although you may be the life of the party if you go all out!). […]

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The Nisenan Project Team supports foothill Nisenan Tribe efforts to stabilize their people and reinstate federal recognition. Provides educational opportunities for the congregation and community. Organizes UUCM members/friends in support of the Nisenan with presence at their events. Informs the community and invites support regarding indigenous issues and actions within California and nationwide. […]

Men's Group

The UUCM Men’s Group has informal gatherings of warm and welcoming UU men. Topics include life experiences, world events, art, science, religion or the lack of it. It is a group that is thoroughly stimulating and interesting and seeks always to be nonjudgmental. We have no leaders and no agenda. All men are welcome. […]

Justice team title pic with scales

UUCM’s active Justice Team supports the congregation’s learning and action toward a more compassionate, sustainable and just community and world. The Team oversees, supports, and helps focus UUCM’s justice initiatives, primarily through the work of UUCM’s task forces voted on by the congregation, as well as through Rapid Response opportunities, which are urgent calls for action that arise throughout the year. The Justice Team is a thinking, planning and oversight group keeping an eye on the overall picture, while the on-the-ground work of justice is done through the programs of the task forces themselves. New task forces may arise during the year as need, passion, and support surface. […]

Anyone who helps as a greeter at our Sunday services is welcome to attend to learn about new ways we’re reaching out to visitors and helping all attenders feel welcome at UUCM! (The Greeters meet on the 3rd Thursday of odd-numbered months.) For more information, contact welcome@uugrassvalley.org.