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In Unitarian Universalism, “God” can be a tricky word. Not all of us believe in God, and those of us that do have many different visions of the concept. In a pluralistic religion, we sometimes try to “address” this difference by avoiding the topic altogether. Alternatively, this Sunday is an invitation for us to talk about God(s) and our various relationships to Her/Him/Them/etc, while still leaving room for all of our various (dis)beliefs. […]

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Join in charging and blessing the incoming Board of Trustees as we reflect on how we, together, make up this place called UUCM – we imagine it, we create it each day, we hold it to pass on to those who come after us. It is a whole greater than the sum of its parts; as adrienne maree brown says, “trust the people to do everything better than you could have imagined.” […]