Adult Choir
Enjoy a fun and gentle chance to connect, to make music together, to develop your voice, to singing in harmony, and to support the musical depth of Sunday services. […]
Enjoy a fun and gentle chance to connect, to make music together, to develop your voice, to singing in harmony, and to support the musical depth of Sunday services. […]
The Finance Committee manages the overall finances, investments and assets of UUCM by working closely with the Treasurer, the Board, and Stewardship Committee. We develop the annual budget needed to fulfill the UUCM mission by collaborating with the Board, Staff and other Program Leaders. […]
Come be held by gentle live music before the Joys & Sorrows Candlelight Service. 2nd Thursdays – 6:30pm music, 7:00pm service.
Join us for an intimate, candle-lit service of singing together and sharing the joys and sorrows in our hearts.
2nd Thursdays at 7pm
A great chance to meet with other UUs on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in the Alcott Room (refreshments space) to work in community on your own art or craft form! A place to enjoy others’ company while working on independent projects with people who are doing the same. You’re sure to get encouragement and inspiration! No teacher or […]
Kids’ Connection for children and youth is open and we are eager to welcome them! Children (ages infant+) are invited to join their guardian(s) to participate in our community of all ages for the first portion of our Sunday services in the Sanctuary, including the story time, and then exit with their teachers to have their […]
The UUCM Men’s Group has informal gatherings of warm and welcoming UU men. Topics include life experiences, world events, art, science, religion or the lack of it. It is a group that is thoroughly stimulating and interesting and seeks always to be nonjudgmental. We have no leaders and no agenda. All men are welcome. […]
UUCM’s Board of Trustees begins with a closed session at 1:00pm and opens the meeting publicly at 1:30pm.
UUCM’s active Justice Team supports the congregation’s learning and action toward a more compassionate, sustainable and just community and world. The Team oversees, supports, and helps focus UUCM’s justice initiatives, primarily through the work of UUCM’s task forces voted on by the congregation, as well as through Rapid Response opportunities, which are urgent calls for action that arise throughout the year. The Justice Team is a thinking, planning and oversight group keeping an eye on the overall picture, while the on-the-ground work of justice is done through the programs of the task forces themselves. New task forces may arise during the year as need, passion, and support surface. […]
Enjoy a fun and gentle chance to connect, to make music together, to develop your voice, to singing in harmony, and to support the musical depth of Sunday services. […]