Worship Team 3rd Thursdays @ 6:00pm

The Worship Team aims for shared ministry, alongside the minister, in planning and promoting worship services of quality and meaning. With the minister, the committee maintains and coordinates the schedule for all services and arranges for worship services when the minister is absent. […]

string ensemble graphic

UUCM’s String Ensemble welcomes newcomers! A core group of 6 has been playing together for several months, and plan to share with the congregation during the winter holidays. If you play violin, viola or cello – please check us out!

yard and cleaning tools in a circle

The Building & Grounds Team manages our day-to-day facility needs and goals for improvements for our church’s physical environment. We then seek volunteers that are willing to help us meet those needs through work parties and project development. These are individuals who like doing projects, repairs, or working outside in gardens and yards. They are also people who have a vision of what our building could be and who contribute work toward that vision. There are no requirements for the work parties other than enjoying working with others and working on projects. […]

kids connection

Kids’ Connection for children and youth is open and we are eager to welcome them! Children (ages infant+) are invited to join their guardian(s) to participate in our community of all ages for the first portion of our Sunday services in the Sanctuary, including the story time, and then exit with their teachers to have their […]

UUCM's Lay Pastoral Care Team text inside hands of many skin tones forming a heart

UUCM’s Lay Pastoral Care Team meets regularly for training and to coordinate confidential, ongoing, care for members of our community. For more information, to request care, or to share word of someone in need of care, please contact LayPastoralCare@uugrassvalley.org.

Men's Group

The UUCM Men’s Group has informal gatherings of warm and welcoming UU men. Topics include life experiences, world events, art, science, religion or the lack of it. It is a group that is thoroughly stimulating and interesting and seeks always to be nonjudgmental. We have no leaders and no agenda. All men are welcome. […]

Adult Choir

Enjoy a fun and gentle chance to connect, to make music together, to develop your voice, to singing in harmony, and to support the musical depth of Sunday services. […]

Parkinson's Support Groups 1st & 4th Thursdays @ 10:30am

The Parkinson Association of Northern California (PANC) hosts twice-monthly support groups at UUCM: one for carepartners and another for those living with Parkinson’s. Their hope is to make it easier for partners to attend together, while giving each the support they need. […]

Arts & Crafts Circle 2nd & 4th Fridays @ 1:00pm

A great chance to meet with other UUs on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays in the Alcott Room (refreshments space) to work in community on your own art or craft form! A place to enjoy others’ company while working on independent projects with people who are doing the same. You’re sure to get encouragement and inspiration! No teacher or […]

kids connection

Kids’ Connection for children and youth is open and we are eager to welcome them! Children (ages infant+) are invited to join their guardian(s) to participate in our community of all ages for the first portion of our Sunday services in the Sanctuary, including the story time, and then exit with their teachers to have their […]