Facilities Exploration Workshop January 7 — Our Progress

Please plan on joining your Facilities Exploration Committee for our Workshop, January 7, 1 to no later than 4 PM at the church and on Zoom.

We will be briefing you on all that has been going on:

  • Rev. Kevin’s experiences with churches making changes to facilities. What does he think of all of this?
  • What we believe could be done with our current building and what it would cost. Could this meet our long term needs and is it practical?
  • Visiting our sister church in Davis – what we learned.
  • What are the options if we don’t remodel but decide to move?
  • Our discussions with the Methodist Church next door. How is that going?
  • Our contact with real estate professionals. What are we doing?
  • How do we pay for any of these opportunities?
  • What are our Next Steps

We will be eager to get your questions and comments, so please plan to join us at this, our second of four quarterly workshops, again facilitated by Janet Cohen. Our Zoom link is: https://zoom.us/j/99914863868?pwd=OG44VTlvVDMrVWFiL2RzTm1vN3cyZz09

The Facilities Exploration Committee, Gail Schulz, Jeff Gold, Wally Holtan, Alec MacLean, Joel Houtman, Beth Karow