I love the fact that our church year is like a school year—starting up fresh in September each year and slowing down in June. For me, it is a pattern that brings with it the comfort of familiarity. Even more important, though, is that the opportunity for renewal is built into this pattern. Even though the activities at this church, and by extension the activities in our Kids’
Connection program, do not shut down over the summer months, they do slow down and give time for reflection and reorganization and renewal. Happily, we are fast approaching this time of renewal. My favorite part of this renewal period is that it leads us to a fresh start, a time to make changes in our routines, an opportunity to try some things that are brand new and untested. Renewal is taking time to pull back a bit so that the next steps can be bigger, bolder, and brighter than what came before.

Family Ministry is already looking forward to this fresh start, this opportunity for renewal, that will be upon us in the fall of 2024. We are in the earliest phases of planning an Open House for our Kids’ Connection program. All children who have been associated with Kids’ Connection over the past year and their grown ups are invited. In addition, the UUCM members who have served so graciously as our assistant teachers each week are invited. Lunch will be prepared and served courtesy of the individuals who make up the Soul Matters Circle led by Carol Richey. (They have taken on support for our Open House as their Soul Matters Circle service project.)
Here is the most pertinent information for YOU to get on your calendars—PLEASE SAVE THE DATE!!
Kids’ Connection Open House
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Noon-1:30 pm
Upstairs in the Kids’ Connection rooms
To everyone in our UUCM family, if you know of a family with young children (approximately ages 2 – 11), who might be interested in knowing more about our Kids’ Connection Sunday program for young children, please feel free to invite them to church on that Sunday and to our Open House upstairs afterward. We are hoping to increase our visibility in the community and you might help us immeasurably with that effort.
May you find time for a refreshing renewal over the coming summer season. Kids’ Connection will continue to be provided each Sunday. We look forward to seeing you and spending time with your amazing children.