UUCM Rocks!!! We’ve sent postcards to 9,500 voters experiencing voter suppression in just 4 months and I’m not surprised. So many have helped – writers, funders, organizers, moral supporters, cheer leaders. We are an amazing team.

Florida is next. We are part of the Reclaim Our Vote team writing to 969,000 Black WOMEN in Florida! Every woman in Florida should have a say in reproductive rights! Packets will be available June 30.
This is the first of our Get-Out-The-Vote campaigns for the November general election. Reclaim Our Vote is starting early because they have a goal to reach 18 million voters of color before November. UUCM is an important part of achieving that goal.
That means the Florida postcards will be WRITE AND HOLD. You can write them anytime but please HOLD THEM UNTIL OCTOBER 1 for mailing. Postcard Club members will write a minimum of 20 postcards a month, some many, many more. Single packet writers are encouraged to write as many as you are willing and able. So write away and stash your completed postcards in a safe place. We will send out reminders in late September about the mailing dates.
Stamp Price Increase
The prices for postcard stamps are going up yet again on July 14 so I am going to stock up before then. Joining the Postcard Club allows me to know how many to buy at the current price. In Phase 1 of the Club (March – July) club members committed to at least 1 packet per month. So far we have purchased 10,000 stamps at a cost of $5,300 paid for by writers, and donors. Now I need to know how many to buy for Phase 2 (August – October).
Sign Up Now for Postcard Club Phase 2
Postcarding for the November election will make a critical difference in the outcomes of crucial races. Current Club members and others willing to do at least one packet of 20 postcards – please go to https://www.uugrassvalley.org/gotv-postcards/ now so I will know how many stamps to buy.
In case you’re hearing NOISE about voting trends among Black Voters, please take a look at this Pew Research article. Reclaim Our Vote has received a couple of questions about this topic. But the strategy for getting black voters to the polls is not only still totally sound but it is more critical than ever given the REAL voting patterns for black voters and the importance of this presidential election. The constant spew coming from diabolical news outlets is just another way to get people to stay home. It’s affecting funding for our work. Stay focused on whom you trust and the people on the ground. Remember that we are reaching people who are rarely contacted at all, or included in the polling numbers that you read. Developing a habit of voting within this population can change election outcomes in our target states and nationwide.
Thank you for the tremendous work you have done and all the efforts you will be applying to the 2024 election cycle. You are heros!