UUCM groups offer a variety of interests. Some groups are based in learning with a spiritual focus while others have a social connection and still others may be activity based.
If any of these group interest you, they would be glad to have you join in.
Live UUCM’s mission through the Religious Education offerings. We offer a variety of classes, seminars and workshops throughout the year. We welcome your ideas and your participation. If there are other kinds of learning and growing experiences you are interested in please let us know […]
Do you love reading? Join in for UUCM’s Book Group which meets once a month to enjoy discussing books that cover a very wide range of topics. Upcoming 2025 book selections and dates are […]
The Humanism Discussion Group is a gathering for both those who identify as humanists and those who are interested in learning about this philosophy. We gather to explore humanism and how it relates to the various aspects of our lives in today’s world while encouraging self-exploration and establishing a relationship with the group. Subjects for […]
The UUCM Men’s Group has informal gatherings of warm and welcoming UU men. Topics include life experiences, world events, art, science, religion or the lack of it. It is a group that is thoroughly stimulating and interesting and seeks always to be nonjudgmental. We have no leaders and no agenda. All men are welcome. All gender-based groups/events at […]
Singing Meditation is a wonderful spiritual practice that alternates shared singing with meaningful shared silences. […]
Make meaningful connections in Soul Matters Circles! Are you looking for deeper connection with others, with yourself, and with your deepest values? Soul Matters Circles are small, facilitated groups of 5-8 people that meet once a month from September through June using the monthly themes as springboards and lenses for reflection and sharing. They have […]
UUCM’s Spirituality Sharing Circle meets monthly, offering an opportunity to connect to others and to explore spirituality through the lens of topics chosen by those who gather. The circle was formed to offer a space in which one can reflect upon, talk about, and even experience spirituality freely. The gatherings are rooted in deep sharing […]
Did you know that regular walking can have many health benefits? It may lower your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. It can strengthen your bones and muscles. It may help you maintain a healthy weight. It might help lift your mood. Join us and you can also make some new friends! […]
The Women’s Circle meets monthly for fellowship and friend making. Our gathering is diverse and often serendipitous and features an activity or often a themed potluck. We have no specific leader and no particular agenda, although every meeting has a theme or activity to look forward to. We welcome ideas and suggestions. It’s always fun […]
The Writers’ Group is a supportive community of like-minded writers who come together to pursue the art and craft of writing. The members can help each other by offering suggestions, giving information, and even providing positive criticism to help enhance their writing skills. Whether novice or experienced, all are welcome. Meeting on 2nd & 4th Thursdays at […]