The UUCM Bending the Arc Task Force invites you to be a member of our “Get Out the Vote – Postcard Club.”

Last Chance for Postcards to “Get Out the Vote”. The UUCM Bending the Arc Task Force encourages you end the Postcard Campaign with a BANG! Our current and last target State is Georgia where critically important Senate and Gubernatorial races are perilously close. Getting out the Vote of registered but infrequent Black voters in Georgia can make the difference.
Our postcards tell them to bring ID and pack water and where to call for info on their polling place.
These voters need our support and encouragement! No matter how many packets you have done we encourage you to stretch yourself do more. Even 1 postcard a day will make a difference!
Last day to mail Georgia postcards is Oct 20 In Georgia, voting early in person is crucial. SB 202 now restricts or bans the safest and most achievable voting practices, even criminalizes bringing food or drink to weary voters in prohibitively long Election Day lines. It undermines the Secretary of State, giving the State Election Board more power to overrule and racially target local jurisdictions. The issues in our script were rated as top issues of concern by Team Unity, a Georgia coalition of NAACP and other voting rights groups.
Postcard Packets
Pick up your packets on Sunday during service hours or M-F from 8:30-noon. If you need help getting yours, contact Gail Johnson Vaughan at
Only want to do a few postcards? Join our pre & post service postcard parties in the UUCM library.
Postcard writing tips:
1. Don’t wait to start.
2. Even putting in 5 minutes a day will get you done soon.
3. If you are using colors for your postcards try this trick. Do the whole pile of cards one color at a time. Seems like it goes much faster.
Getting Out the Vote – Texting
Writing postcards not your thing but still want to help? Structured texting campaign lets you text 500-1000 pre-written texts per hour. Go to:
For more information or to join the club, contact Gail Johnson Vaughan at