Featured News

Let’s celebrate UUCM — a Good Trouble Congregation

We are hosting a Watch Party at UUCM for the national Good Trouble Congregation Celebration. Our congregation worked hard to earn this honor that helped the collective effort to reach over 2 MILLION voters. Let’s show up in force for this national celebration and official announcements of all the Good Trouble Congregations. […]

More Postcarding

We are about to begin our second special election campaign — this one for the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Wisconsin is a state with a democratic governor, but severe gerrymandering has led to a supermajority of republicans in both house of the legislature. The complacent Supreme Court has allowed that gerrymandering along with a near total ban on abortions (even in cases of rape and incest) and threatens the integrity of future elections, a reality that could have national implications. […]

Interfaith Food Ministry Justice Forum

Please join the Justice team and Shelby McNamara, Development Director of IFM, for a presentation and discussion after the Sunday service on March 12. Shelby will describe the latest happenings at IFM, including the matching gift campaign and on-going volunteer opportunities. Several members of the congregation who regularly volunteer at IFM will share their experiences with us. There will be a special shout out for those members who participate in the UUCM Work Day at IFM the second Tuesday of every month. […]

Share the Plate

UUCM’s January Share the Plate recipient, Sierra Roots, will receive $1224.75, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors. These weekly donations add up. Thank you all.

As of this writing, we are currently finishing up collections for our February partner, Community Beyond Violence. www.cbv.org

Our March Share the Plate recipient is Interfaith Food Ministry. www.interfaithfoodministry.org


UU 101 // February 19 @ 12PM

If you’ve been attending services or checking out the website and are curious to find out more, or if you are already a member and wanting to renew your sense of community and of this religious tradition, join us for meaningful and fun connection as well as information at “UU 101,” a single, interactive, introductory session. We’ll explore the history, principles, and sources of Unitarian Universalism and our congregation’s mission statement. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion, because, after all, UU is a denomination where questioning is highly encouraged! […]

UUCM Designated a ‘Good Trouble’ Congregation

Good Trouble Congregations are congregations that answer that call to organize their communities and engage in the multiple and necessary tactics that help us win big for our communities in 2022. Whether protecting voter access in Georgia, fighting for reproductive justice in Kentucky, or election protection in Pennsylvania, the work is essential to building a strong movement for democracy. […]

Stop The Mine

Save the date – February 19 after the Sunday service. The Stop the Mine Task Force will be hosting a discussion of the current status of the proposed reopening of the Idaho Maryland Mine by Rise Gold. Charlie Brock will be the featured speaker.