Featured News

Share the Plate

UUCM’s December Share the Plate recipient, Hospitality House, will receive $983.76, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors. These weekly donations add up. Thank you all.

As of this writing, we are currently finishing up collections for our January partner, Sierra Roots. www.sierraroots.org. […]

Rev. Jan Message – January 26, 2023

Greetings to the UUCM Community: As your sabbatical minister I wanted to say a formal ‘hello’ and tell you a little bit about our next four months together. My bio is on your website. I’m happy to answer any questions or hear where our lives might intersect. But I wanted to assure you that this renewal time for you doesn’t mean I’m here to shake things up. You are a healthy group of folks primed for growth both in breadth and depth. Your leaders are super-competent and dedicated to UUCM. You have a fabulous minister. It speaks well of you that you have given him the time and space to re-charge his batteries. […]

February is Love!

How appropriate is it that the theme for the month of February is Love! This is the month of Valentines Day of course, but it’s also a time of new beginnings of many things. In the world of UUCM, Rev Jan Onnie has joined us as our sabbatical leave minister, we have hired Aiden McCarthy to be our new Kids Connection teacher (mentored by Lindsay and myself), and one of our new members Cheryl Spaulding has decided to join our Family Ministry Team. […]

Rev. Kevin Message – January 12, 2023

For the past several years we’ve invited UUCM members and friends to choose a word for year. A word to travel with, dance with in 2023. A word to keep in active conversation with your life throughout the coming year. On Sunday, during the service, I’ll invite you to share your word in a Word Cloud. […]

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

SOLD OUT FOR ONSITE ATTENDANCE. You can still JOIN BY ZOOM! Join in for a unique afternoon celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.

A program that goes beyond King’s dream for a better world, looking at racism today, especially in our community, and how we can work to overcome it. […]

Rev. Kevin Message – December 29, 2022

Thank you, everyone, for your kind expressions of concern. I am feeling much better and I am also aware that I’ve had it so much easier than many. Today is day 10 for me in COVID terms, and I look forward to returning to the land of interaction. Masked interaction for me for a while.  

Happy New Year! Just as the sugar buzz begins to ease, we arrive at the entrance to a new year. January 1 always seems such an arbitrary date for a beginning, at least in the non-calendar scheme of things, but there is some rhyme to inviting introspection and renewed resolve immediately after the intense expectations and interactions of Christmas, which tend to be clarifying. And, of course, the extended length of the nights helps one turn inward. […]

Rev. Kevin Message – December 22, 2022

Dear ones, near and far,  here’s to wish you a holiday time that illuminates what it will most help you to see, to know, to realize, to experience.   May you know connection and caring, even if you are physically solitary this year, and especially if you are grieving.   May you know courage and compassion […]

January 2023 Share the Plate – Sierra Roots

Our January Share the Plate recipient is Sierra Roots. Sierra Roots serves chronically homeless individuals by building personal relationships and providing immediate needs of nutritious hot meals, clothing, and shelter especially during severe weather events in the communities of Nevada City and Grass Valley. UUCM member Alice Johnson serves as the Weather Shelter Coordinator. […]