Featured News

Rev. Kevin Weekly Message – September 1, 2022

Today we enter the September theme of “belonging.” Belonging has been a resonant if unofficial theme for the past nine or ten months, and the Board has wisely identified “connection and reconnection” as a primary goal for this current congregation year.

I know that some of you are feeling disconnected and distant, wondering whether and how this community continues to be important to you.

Justice Night | EVs and the Clean Energy Economy

There is probably an electric vehicle in your future.

On Wednesday evening get your questions answered by a panel of your UUCM friends who own electric vehicles Join Cheryl Branch, Gayle Schultz and Bob Branstrom, along with a guests who own a hydrogen car.

Join us in-person at 5:30PM with a potluck at the church.

Discussion will begin at 6PM and also offered via Zoom.

Share the Plate Update

UUCM’s July Share the Plate recipient, Nevada County Habitat for Humanity, will receive $766.50 thanks to generous UUCM members, friends and visitors. Those weekly donations add up! Thank you, all.

Phone Bank Training

Phone banking is a valuable tool for justice seekers. Why? Because it works. For example, in the 2020 Georgia Primary election at least 60% of the voters contacted through phone banking did vote. Over one-half of these voters were first-time or infrequent voters. Are you apprehensive about making cold calls? If so, this training is […]

Caring Team Update

Perhaps you’ve heard the story about the little boy who kept saying “I don’t care!” And then a lion ate him. And then his parents took the lion, with the little boy inside, to a doctor. The doctor said there was nothing he could do. The little boy, meanwhile, kept saying, “I don’t care!” The […]

Rev. Kevin Weekly Message – August 18, 2022

Although it was my funny corndog line that got reported in the local paper, I was speaking that day to offer the blessing at the opening of this year’s Nevada County Fair. I love to do this kind of thing both because it gives people an experience of Unitarian Universalist values and openness, and because I […]

Rev. Kevin Weekly Message – August 11, 2022

And… In our summer journey through the Unitarian Universalist Principles that name our shared values and, in theory, inform and guide our actions, we turn this week to the 8th Principle. Those of you who are familiar with the UU Principles may remember that we’ve had 7 Principles for a good long while. The 8th […]

Justice News

Join the “Get Out the Vote – Postcard Club” The UUCM Bending the Arc Task Force invites you to be a member of our “Get Out the Vote – Postcard Club.” We know how important it is to get registered Black infrequent voters to vote in the General Election – with an emphasis on early […]

8th Principle

Initiative #2 of the UUCM Bending the Arc of Racial Justice Task Force is to ask UUCM members to vote to adopt the 8th Principle at our Annual Community Business Meeting in May 2023.  In turn, that decision will inform our 3 delegates attending the June 2023 UUA General Assembly. As determined by the membership […]

We’re Hiring!

The Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains, a progressive, theologically diverse congregation of approximately 140 members is seeking to fill two part-time positions. The church is located at the corner of Church and Walsh streets, a few blocks from downtown Grass Valley. Our belief in the inherent dignity and worth of every person motivates everything […]