Featured News

Keep the Pledges Flowing In…

The 2022-2023 Pledge documents were mailed the first week in March. Thank you to the many that returned theirs promptly. The Finance Committee will use this information to produce the budget for our next fiscal year which begins July 1, 2022 and ends June 30, 2023. Your generosity is so important for us. Our spiritual community with its dedication to social justice and its commitment to intellectual curiosity needs your financial support. A solid footing is required to meet our basic needs.

2022 Renewal Leave Announcement

We write to inform you, well in advance, of the dates for Rev. Kevin’s renewalleave (sabbatical) which will be divided between the fall of 2022 and the springof 2023. By next fall Rev. Kevin will have accrued six months of renewal leave (sabbatical), one month for each year of service. With the Board’s approval, he […]

Democracy Today: A Faith Call for Justice and Democracy

Join Side With Love, UU the Vote, and the Unitarian Universalist Association for a faith-grounded discussion and call to action for democracy. Engage with theologians, organizers, and activists doing the work of racial and electoral justice. Today we are witnessing a dangerous swelling in anti-democratic measures across the country. Nearly every state in the nation faces […]

UU Economic Justice Winter Newsletter

UUJEC Healthcare Task Force We’re currently exploring ways that we can get involved in RIP Medical Debt—a program that buys medical debt at a discount rate and forgives it, freeing people from crushing obligations and the spectre of bankruptcy. You’ll hear more about it in the UUJEC April webinar, and we’ll let you know when […]

Sign of the Times – Get Yours!

Your UUCM Carbon Dividend Task Force, in conjunction with the local chapter of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby, has a new initiative. We have been seeking ways to demonstrate support for climate change mitigation that is compatible with avoiding the virus. Here is your opportunity. We want to populate the yards of Grass Valley and Nevada […]

UUCM YouTube Channel

YouTube – it’s more than puppy videos! Did you know that we have a UUCM YouTube channel? It’s true! On the channel, you’ll find recordings of various services, sermons and events. We encourage you to subscribe to our channel by clicking on any of the recording links. Once there, click the red subscribe button and […]

What does it mean to be a people of Play?

After the past year, we are all very much due for some playfulness, even as the ongoing challenges of the world call for our care, concern, and attention. Think of those times when, in a tense conversation, someone cracks a joke that breaks the tension. In the wake of the laughter and relief,  new ideas […]

Free the Prodigal Self

FREE THE PRODIGAL SELF By Bev Lyon Part I – The Hostage Self     I love stories of all kinds, and one of my favorites is the story of the prodigal son. You may know it.  A man has two sons, one who leads a disreputable life in the city and one who stays […]