Featured News

Join the Instant Choir!

Join the Instant Choir on January 12th: No Experience Needed! Are you ready to lift your voice in song and joy this January? Join us for a special opportunity to be part of our Instant Choir January 12th! No experience is necessary—just bring your enthusiasm and a love of music. We’ll gather at 9:00 AM for an energizing […]

Share the Plate

UUCM’s November partner, Nevada County Citizens for Choice received $1,482, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up.  Thank you all. Our December Share the Plate recipient is Hospitality House. The mission of Hospitality House is to bring homeless people in Nevada County into a circle of community caring that […]

New Art Show: Lin Jovanovic

For the next three months, the Art and Aesthetics Team is privileged to host an exhibition of the work of our own Lin Jovanovic in the UUCM library. Lin is a mosaic artist. She takes broken pieces of pottery or tile and uses them to create something new, something even more beautiful. That process was the theme for the month of […]

Christmas Giving Tree

The annual tradition of providing Christmas gifts for the children of our community is ready to begin. The Christmas Giving Tree is up in the foyer and the gift tags are in place. We have chosen CASA/Child Advocates as our recipients for this year, and they are asking for 2 to 3 new books for each of […]

Annual Thanksgiving Potluck

Our yearly tradition is back again for a soul- and belly-filling festive feast! No out-of-town plans this year? No family nearby? Too much work to prepare ALL that food? Come to UUCM’s Annual Thanksgiving Potluck with Rev. Kevin Tarsa and your UUCM family! All are welcome – members, friends, neighbors, family and any others.

Share the Plate

UUCM’s September Share the Plate recipient, Nevada County Habitat for Humanity, will receive $911.47, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up.  Thank you all. As of this writing, we are currently finishing up collections for our October partner, Bear Yuba Land Trust. Our November Share the Plate recipient is […]

Election 2024: Opportunities to Connect

There is a lot at stake in this election, and with that comes stress, anxiety, and fear. Because our Unitarian Universalist tradition calls us into community and inspires us to take action during times like these, we are compiling a list of events and gatherings to help us build bridges, offer and give support, and […]

The Art of the Duo – a Fall Fundraising Concert!

You’ve loved Randy McKean’s musical offerings at Sunday services and last spring’s concert… this time you can Double the fun with Two, not One!
The Magnificent Musical McKean Brothers, Randy & Ray, will wow you with jazz classics by the likes of Brubeck, Ellington, Monk, and more!  There will be one intermission with light refreshements, a cash bar, and raffle prizes!  You won’t want to miss this rare opportunity to get twice the music – and twice the McKean – for one low price! […]