Featured News

Annual Thanksgiving Potluck

Our yearly tradition is back again for a soul- and belly-filling festive feast! No out-of-town plans this year? No family nearby? Too much work to prepare ALL that food? Come to UUCM’s Annual Thanksgiving Potluck with Rev. Kevin Tarsa and your UUCM family! All are welcome – members, friends, neighbors, family and any others.

Share the Plate

UUCM’s September Share the Plate recipient, Nevada County Habitat for Humanity, will receive $911.47, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up.  Thank you all. As of this writing, we are currently finishing up collections for our October partner, Bear Yuba Land Trust. Our November Share the Plate recipient is […]

Election 2024: Opportunities to Connect

There is a lot at stake in this election, and with that comes stress, anxiety, and fear. Because our Unitarian Universalist tradition calls us into community and inspires us to take action during times like these, we are compiling a list of events and gatherings to help us build bridges, offer and give support, and […]

The Art of the Duo – a Fall Fundraising Concert!

You’ve loved Randy McKean’s musical offerings at Sunday services and last spring’s concert… this time you can Double the fun with Two, not One!
The Magnificent Musical McKean Brothers, Randy & Ray, will wow you with jazz classics by the likes of Brubeck, Ellington, Monk, and more!  There will be one intermission with light refreshements, a cash bar, and raffle prizes!  You won’t want to miss this rare opportunity to get twice the music – and twice the McKean – for one low price! […]

Fighting Voter Supression Together!

Your Bending the Arc Task Force at Work It’s been a busy, busy time for your Bending the Arc Task Force — and all of you. We are so close to this climactic election. Here’s what you have helped us do: And the work continues! Pick up one last postcard packet before October 15. Talk […]

Grinding Stone v. Photograph: Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribal Law and the Malakoff Diggins Case

A special presentation by photo historian Jordan Reznick, with support from CHIRP. During the 1880s the hydraulic mining operation at Malakoff Diggins was the subject of a pivotal early environmental law case which also pioneered the use of photographic evidence in U.S. courtrooms. The photographs that illustrated the ecological catastrophe precipitated by hydraulic mining however failed to portray the full picture of the land. A Nisenan grinding stone recently re-discovered in the diggings confirmed what the Nevada City Rancheria […]

UUCMer’s Keeping it Clean!

On September 28, a team of UUCM members & friends met to participat in SYRCL’s annual Yuba River Cleanup. They were assigned to clean up the trails and woods along Deer Creek off of Providence Mine Road in Nevada City. Reine Thibeault was there and shared her experience: “We worked at the end of Providence […]

The Three E’s for Rich Talk

Last year our Family Ministry Team was laser focused on reconceptualizing and implementing a new version of our Kids’ Connection program. At our Kids’ Connection Open House last month, we officially went public with the results of our program development efforts. The new program has a new look with additional spaces and materials, as well […]

They’re Back!

The Beat Café and Jam Café are back from hiatus! The last Tuesday of the month (except holidays), join MC Paul at the Beat Café: an open mic night for poets and writers. On the last Thursday of the month (except holidays), DJ Paul hosts the Jam Café: a casual gathering of musicians playing familiar […]