Featured News

Lay Sermon Seminar: Got a message in you?

Rev. Kevin will once again facilitate a lay sermon-writing seminar beginning in February for a circle of 6-8 people, and is looking for a few more interested persons. Maybe you! Please contact Rev. Kevin by February 6 at minister@uugrassvalley.org. Using a rich and connective process developed by the Rev. Erika Hewitt, each person will gradually […]

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day – 2024

Join in for a unique afternoon celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. A program that goes beyond King’s dream for a better world, looking at racism today, especially in our community, and how we can work to overcome it. Light refreshments following the program. Admission is Free! The event is offered in-person at the Unitarian Universalist […]

First Art Show of 2024: Visibility Through Art

From January 18 – March 15, the UUCM Library and Art Gallery will show an exhibit of works from the Visibility Through Art (VTA) project, produced by the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe.
There will be a reception for UUCM members and friends after Sunday service on January 28th, from 12:30 pm, in the Library.

Another way to Support Hospitality House

UUCM is supporting Hospitality House by collecting donations of needed items for the guests. Utah Phillips, the founder of Hospitality House, was a member of UUCM, and UUCM has supported the shelter, named in his honor, since its inception as a nomadic shelter. The project will be on-going each month of the year. Please bring […]

Share the Plate!

UUCM’s November Share the Plate recipient, Bright Futures for Youth, will receive $900.93, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up!  Thank you all.

With Loving Intentions for the New Year

The New Year is always a good time to rethink the usefulness or effectiveness of our routines and habits. Upstairs, in our Kids Connection program, we have been doing some of this New
Year rethinking. We are looking forward to many opportunities of connecting with you and your children in the year ahead.

Christmas Day Potluck & Carols

Come celebrate Christmas Day and community as our Christmas Day potluck returns. We’ll offer a blessing and begin eating at 1:00PM. Tableware provided. Arrive ready to share a Christmas memory or two with your dinner companions. From 3:00-4:00PM Rev. Kevin will host a carol sing around the piano, and will invite people to share favorite Christmas readings, poems, and brief stories. […]