Featured News

Share the Plate

UUCM’s September Share the Plate recipient, Sierra Streams Institute, will receive $775, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up.  Thank you all. As of this writing, we are currently finishing up collections for our October partner, Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release.   Our November Share the Plate recipient is Bright […]

Generosity – the UU Way

Generosity is such a fundamental value of Unitarian Universalism. We are called upon to share our talents, our time, our energy, and our financial resources for the good of each other, our community, and the hole wide world. Learning to be generous starts in childhood. Children experience their very first lessons on generosity when the […]

Our Heritage: Honoring Anita’s Legacy

On Sunday, October 15th, the UUCM Women’s Group honored Anita Wald-Tuttle’s legacy to Unitarian Universalist values with a certificate of membership to the Clara Barton Sisterhood. The UU Women’s Federation awarded Anita the honor In the early 1990s, Northern California Unitarian Universalists living in Grass Valley and Nevada City had to travel 30 miles to the Sierra Foothills Unitarian Universalists church […]

Our UU Heritage: Let’s Pass It On

This month’s theme is a juicy one—heritage. I decided to begin my preparations for this article by looking up the numerous definitions of heritage. There was one upon which I chose to focus—“valued objects and qualities, such as cultural traditions . . ., that have been passed down from previous generations.” UU’s have many beloved […]

Share the Plate!

UUCM’s August Share the Plate recipient, Animal Place, will receive $652.97, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up.  Thank you all. As of this writing, we are currently finishing up collections for our September partner, Sierra StreamsInstitute.   Our October Share the Plate recipient is Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release (WR&R).  Founded […]

Update on Welcome to Andou/St Fort Family

Moustapha Andou and sons Daniel (8) and Samuel (4) are moving rapidly toward completion of many paperwork activities, and the boys began school last Wednesday and seem to be happy and doing well, although it is clear that the boys suffer from the “secondary trauma” of beginning a new school in a new language, and […]

New Art show in the Library featuring Rene Weilmann

September 15th – November 15th 23 UUCM Anthony Library Renée Weilmann grew up in Southern California and Hawaii, and has lived in Nevada City for the past 24 years. In her early years, she loved expressing herself creatively through drawing and painting, and studying Hawaiian, Tahitian, ballet and tap dance. Later, in high school and […]

Welcome, September!

Welcome back to a new church year of working together, celebrating together, and simplyenjoying each others’ company. One thing this UU community does exceptionally well iswelcome people into the flow of activity that is UUCM. It is who we are and what we do—“weare a welcoming people.” This month we are extending a very heartfelt […]