Featured News

Share the Plate!

UUCM’s July Share the Plate recipient, Color Me Human, will receive $993.97, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up.  Thank you all. As of this writing, we are currently finishing up collections for our August partner,  Animal Place.  Our September Share the Plate recipient is Sierra Streams Institute. Sierra […]

Dear Soul Matters Circle Members

Dear Soul Matter Circle members, We hope you’ve had a rich experience in your circle this year. Thank you to you and the facilitators for bringing yourselves so genuinely to this journey of sharing and connecting. Here’s to share the plans ahead, to ask about your participation in the new year, and to request a […]

Memories of Summers Past

I bet if we were to gather a group of us together for a discussion about some of our fondestmemories from childhood, many of those memories would be related to how we spent oursummers. My childhood summer memories mostly involve palling around with neighborhoodfriends—participating in seemingly endless sessions of hide-n-seek or tag-you’re-it, usually atdusk; competing […]

Share the Plate

UUCM’s June Share the Plate recipient, Kare Crisis Nursery, will receive $937.55, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up.  Thank you all. As of this writing, we are currently finishing up collections for our July partner,  Color Me Human.  Our August Share the Plate recipient is Animal Place.   […]

Artist Reception – Lisa Hayden

Meet Lisa Haden our UUCM Library Art Gallery artist from July 15th – September 15th 2023 Join us for a reception to celebrate the newest show in UUCM’s Library Art Gallery Sunday, July 30 @ 12:00pm “Most of this art is from a creative time in my life when I was able to spend a […]

Circle Suppers – Back by Popular Demand!

The Circle Suppers we held in the spring had such a great response that we are ready to begin the next series. Please join us in September for this rich opportunity for sharing food and conversation in a small group at a host’s home. Whether you have never been to a circle supper or you […]

UU’s and CCL at the Grass Valley July 4th Parade

Many members of UUCM joined the local chapter of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) in the Grass Valley July 4th Parade. By partnering with a local organization, we are more effective than working alone and significantly strengthen the impact of our partner. The CCL float promoted the four climate solutions: 1. Healthy Forests2. Electrification3. Permitting […]

Stop the Mine Taskforce Meetings on hold

Please be patient until we are ready to have another Stop the Mine Task Force Meeting.We will need to prepare for the Supervisor’s hearing and vote on the project now scheduled for Oct. 3 and 4. For information on what’s happening now, please email Jim Bair: StopTheMine@uugrassvalley.org

Share the Plate!

UUCM’s May Share the Plate recipient, Child Advocates, will receive $792.79, thanks to generous UUCM members, friends, and visitors.  These weekly donations add up.  Thank you all. We are finishing up collections for our June partner, KARE Crisis Nursery.  To make a contribution to the KARE Crisis Nursery’s plate-share, click here. Our July Share the Plate […]