Featured News

Kids’ Connection – Summer Mode

There is important news from the Family Ministry Team this month. Big changes are coming our way. We want to acknowledge the work of two very important people on our Team, as they prepare to step away in order to explore and develop other aspects of their interesting lives. First, Jo Waters will be stepping […]

Summer Strolls

Hey, sleepy heads! With the warmer weather and longer days, our walking group now meets at 8:00am.We meet on Tuesdays at the Wolf Creek Trail and on Thursdays outside 418 Chapel Street in downtown Grass Valley. For more information, please contact walking@uugrassvalley.org.To be added to our email list, contact admin@uugrassvalley.org.

Please help us welcome our Haitian family!

Beloved members and friends of UUCM,The Justice Team, Steve Temple, Leisa Huyck, and Rev. Kevin have some very exciting news: we are bringing a young Haitian family to Grass Valley!Steve and Leisa have known this young couple, Nazaire (papa) and Moustapha (maman), for ten years, through our shared work in rebuilding Haiti’s agricultural education system […]

UUA General Assembly

This week, Rev. Kevin and delegates from UUCM, René Wiley & Tracy Pepper are attending the UUA General Assembly. General Assembly (GA) is the annual meeting of our Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA). Participants worship, witness, learn, connect, and make policy for the Association through democratic process. Stay tuned for a Sunday service in July where […]

Happy Juneteenth!

Come join in this celebration of freedom and unification. Our friends, Color Me Human, are hosting the 3rd Annual Nevada County Juneteenth Celebration at Pioneer Park in Nevada City. You are welcome to bring a dish to share or just come and be in community with us! […]

Happy Birthday, Anita!

Our founding member, Anita Wald-Tuttle, is 96 years old — and going strong! Each year, she makes a special gift to UUCM’s endowment fund: $1 for every year she’s traveled around the sun. The Endowment Committee would like to invite YOU to do the same! We’re not too far away from having enough in our […]

Welcome back, Rev. Kevin!

On June 4th, we will be having a “Special Welcome Back Rev. Kevin Reception” after service and before our Annual Community Business Meeting that starts at 1pm. We hope you can join us! We are asking those that can to bring finger foods including fruit/veggie items and desserts to share for this special occasion. We […]

The Stop the Mine Task Force Makes a Major Contribution

Dear Congregation, Our Justice Team Task Force was a major force!  When the five County Planning Commissioners voted unanimously to recommend rejecting the Rise Gold Corp. (the Mine) proposal, many of us in the packed (several hundred attended) Nevada County Board Chambers cried tears of joy.  The Commissioners cited our overwhelming Community opposition as one […]