UUCM 2025-2026 Pledge Campaign

NOTE: This form is to be used by current UUCM Members & Friends only – submission of pledge does not imply or confer UUCM Membership. For information about becoming a member, visit our Membership Page.

(will receive a copy of your plege)

Thank you for your generous support of UUCM!

My/Our pledge for the fiscal year July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026 is:
(Enter the amount and period to see the total pledge for FY25-26.)


The Total Pledge is calculated based on pledges that start in the first month of the pledge year. If you pledge after July 31, 2025, we will pro-rate your pledge accordingly.

UUCM's Covenant of Right Relations

In affirmation of our mission statement and to further its realization, we the members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains do covenant to be in community with each other.

Recognizing that different points of view are natural in human relations, and wishing to relate to others as harmoniously as possible, I will:
• Treat others with kindness, empathy and respect.
• Communicate with patience, flexibility, and a willingness to negotiate in the spirit of cooperation.
• Respect confidentiality.
• Be aware of my own thoughts, feelings, and needs, and when possible, share them directly and honestly with those involved, without judgment or blame.
• Invite, respect, and listen to all points of view, while setting aside assumptions or character judgments, and while making welcoming space for minority opinions.
• Take responsibility for my own mental, emotional, and spiritual balance, asking for support when I need it.
• Respect individual needs, and acknowledge that the health, safety, and wellbeing of our community may take precedence over those needs. When individual needs cannot be met, I will seek compassionate understanding, restoration of harmony, reconciliation, and forgiveness.
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