Rev. Kevin Weekly Message – August 18, 2022

Although it was my funny corndog line that got reported in the local paper, I was speaking that day to offer the blessing at the opening of this year’s Nevada County Fair. I love to do this kind of thing both because it gives people an experience of Unitarian Universalist values and openness, and because I have a chance to serve those who are not met or fed by the language and the assumptions of more typical public prayers. I understand this kind of opportunity as my chance to represent you, the congregation. 

Here’s what I said that day, with some context setting followed by the blessing. 

For many years my seven brothers and sisters and I lived one warm week each August at the Northwestern Michigan Fair. We were there with our sheep, and dairy goats, and steers, and pies and paintings and vegetables and crafts. Since then, my nieces and nephews have taken over, adding llamas and chickens and turkeys o the mix, among other things. 

A bunch of my family is there as I speak this morning (I’ve been receiving texts with photos and updates since 5:30 am), and so I am honored and very glad to invite a blessing on this Nevada County Fair – on what are indeed beautiful fairgrounds- knowing something of the inner workings, the joys and the aches of an annual county fair: bunnies and carnival barkers, grand champions and less grand champions, mucking out stalls, perfecting showmanship and what it means to be a good sport, promoting organizations and businesses, bumping into neighbors and friends, and riding high on cotton candy and elephant ears.  

I will say that corn dogs at the fair in Northwestern Michigan are just corn dogs – they are not the revered, sacred objects that they are here in Nevada County. And I’ll share that the ugly cakes exhibit here has become a new favorite of mine.  

So, with gratitude for all the ways this fair links people across the community, helps young people grow skills and confidence, connects people to nature, gives people thrills and outlets for their creativity, and peaks their curiosity, I invite you to pause with me for moment here at the start to invite a blessing: 

In the name of all that each of knows as holy, knows as the source and foundation for what we believe to be life-giving and true,  

Let us ask, in our own ways, let us pray: 

  • that this year’s Nevada County Fair be an avenue of connection in our community, across the divides that might otherwise separate us, 
  • That all upon these grounds this week be safe and well,  
  • That these days be graced with kindness and caring as well as fun, from the parking lot to the ticket booth to Treat Street to the barns to the rides to the grandstand to the campground,  
  • That plenty of much-needed joy and laughter and hooting and hollering bless these grounds,  
  • That all of us who attend and participate learn – about ourselves, about each other, about this amazing world we move within, 
  • May all the competitions grow appreciation, and compassion, as well as healthy resolve in all who participate, 
  • May those who have worked so hard to make this fair happen, and all who contribute their gifts and their resources, their time and skill so generously this week, know the blessings of this fair, and receive heartfelt gratitude. 

And, in the end, may this year’s Nevada County Fair leave Nevada county, and each of us, better for having taken place once again, and starting now. So may it be, Amen, Ashe, and Blessed be