A Celebration of Pride

A Celebration of Pride
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
June 30, 2024
Lindsay Dunckel and Sophia McKean, Worship Associates

Unitarian Universalism was on the forefront of the gay rights movement among American religious traditions, our early involvement bolstered in part by our emphasis on uplifting the inherent value of individual truths within the context of loving community. This pride month, join us for a tapestry of faith service where we celebrate the LGBT+ community and hear from UUCM members about the ways their faith and identity interweave and inform each other.  

Song for Gathering Come, Come, Whoever You Are #188 words adapted from Jalal Adin Rumi, music by Lynn Adair Ungar

Greeting and Land Acknowledgement Lindsay Dunckel 

Lighting of the Chalice A Protest and a Party by Hannah Roberts Villnave read by Allison Rivers 

Singing the Children on Their Way  

Welcome  Sophia McKean 

Reflection Sailing Rough Seas Aiden McCarthy 

Blessing the Prayer Flags 

Joys & Sorrows 

Blessing for Kin by Rev. Sean Parker Dennison read by Cynthia Burton  

Song Hymn #170 We Are a Gentle, Angry People by Holly Near 

Reflection  Sophia McKean 

Offering  Lindsay Dunckel

Offertory  Gabrielle Lawson, piano

Dedication  Lindsay Dunckel

Thank you & Announcements

Closing Song  Answering the Call of Love #1014 by Jason Shelton  

Closing Words  Sophia McKean 

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.   

Music for Going Forth