The Artists are Here to Disturb the Peace – April 16, 2023

The Artists are Here to Disturb the Peace 
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
April 16, 2023
Jé Exodus Hooper, Revolutionary MPS., MA., D.Min., PhD

With Gail Johnson Vaughan, Worship Associate

In an interview with James Baldwin in 1961, this statement rang true: “The artists are here to disturb the peace”. This small phrase came at an opportune time, predating the Black Power Movement.  In this way, Hooper will explore where are the artists today and how do we curate unrest for change?

Greeting/Welcome: Gail Johnson Vaughan 

Libations / Land Acknowledgement Jé Exodus Hooper  

Song for Gathering # 1017 Building a New Way, words and music by Martha Sandefer 

Opening Words Jé Exodus Hooper 

Lighting of the Chalice Tracy Pepper  

The Artists are Here to Disturb the Peace  Jé Exodus Hooper Revolutionary MPS., MA., D.Min., PhD, Original music by Lindsey Wilson  

Offering Gail Johnson Vaughan 

Offertory Lindsey Wilson 

Dedication Gail Johnson Vaughan 

Closing Song # 170 We are a Gentle, Angry People 

 Closing Words Jé Exodus Hooper  

 Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice