Dipping Into the Well of Grief
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
March 13, 2022
Rev. Kevin Tarsa and Beth Karow, Worship Associate
Exactly two years after a novel virus turned our lives inside out and outside in, we take time to grieve together in the spirit of a memorial service – to acknowledge, name, witness, and honor our accumulating grief and the many types of losses we’ve borne.
I thought faith would say, “I will take away the pain and the discomfort.” But what it ended up saying is “I will sit with you in it.”
~ Brené Brown ~
Greeting Rev Kevin Tarsa
Land Acknowledgement read by Connie Wright
Song How can I Keep from Singing by Robert Lowry #108. Kate Canan, flute, Dahlia Sanders, voice, Tom Wernigg, guitar
Welcome and Gathering Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Chalice Lighting The Symbol of our Shared Faith by Paul Stephan Dodenhoff, read by Beth Karow and Tom Wernigg
Music On the Day We Are Together Again by Humbird, arr. Will Robertson, sung by the Bet Haverim Chorus
In Remembrance Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Song Spirit of Life #123 by Carolyn McDade, Kate Canan, flute, Dahlia Sanders, voice Tom Wernigg, guitar
In Memoriam Rev. Kevin and All, with Beth Karow, Carmen Riley, and Linda Siska
In our Eyes: Images of Loss UUCM Members and Friends
Music Stand Not Alone by Copperwoman and There is a Healing by Rev. Kevin Tarsa, Kate Canan, flute, Dahlia Sanders, voice, Tom Wernigg, violin
Reading by John Roedel, read by Beth Karow
Musical Interlude
A Blessing Rev. Karyn Packard
Stewardship Moment Rev. Karyn Packard
Offering Beth Karow
25% of our offering this month will support Interfaith Food Ministry, which works to feed the hungry and reduce food insecurity in Nevada County.
Your giving is vital to our ability to sustain the work of our community. Thank you for your generosity. See the insert for ways to give by text, PayPal, UUCM’s website or by mail.
Offertory All I Had Was Gone by Tom Wernigg, with Kate Canan, flute
Dedication Beth Karow
Closing Words More Than One Life by Lee Huebert
Community Benediction and Extinguishing of the Chalice