Do You Feel What I Feel?

Do You Feel What I Feel?
The Skill of Deep Communication
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
June 23, 2024
Cheryl Morris & Carol Nimick, Worship Associates
Guest Speaker: Jeff Kane, MD

Deep, thoughtful conversations are a hallmark of the UU experience, and we have many opportunities at UUCM to engage in them. It is so fundamental to our denomination that Deep Listening has been selected as a Soul Matters theme for next year. But we don’t need to wait! Today’s speaker, Jeff Kane, is a deep communicator. He has honed this skill during his life as a physician, writer, yoga teacher, musician and husband/father/grandfather. And that’s not all! Jeff was the very first speaker for the fledgling UUCM and is returning now to help us celebrate our 30 years as a congregation. We welcome him and will listen deeply to what he has to say.  

Song for Gathering When I Am Frightened #1012 words and music by Shelley Jackson Denham  

Greeting  Cheryl Morris 

Land Acknowledgement read by Catz Forsman

Lighting of the Chalice  A Chalice Lighting for the Dark and the Light by Francis Koziar
read by Lin Jovanovic 

Singing the Children on Their Way  

Welcome  Cheryl Morris 

Opening Words  Within This Work of Renewal by Rev. Scott Tayler, read by Carol Nimick

Song  Listen, Listen, Listen Listen (to my heart’s song) by Paramhansa Yogananda 

Joys & Sorrows   Sue Gregory, Lay Pastoral Care Team 

Prayer & Meditation   Letting Go of Certainty by Rev. Rebecca C. “Beckett” Coppola
read by Carol Nimick  


Reflection  Jeff Gold 

Sermon  Jeff Kane: The Skill of Deep Communication 

Offering  Cheryl Morris

Offertory  Alexis Aldrich, piano

Dedication  Cheryl Morris  

Thank you & Announcements

Closing Song  When Our Heart is in a Holy Place #1008 by Joyce Poley  

Closing Words  Until We Meet Again by Amy Zucker Morgenstern, read by  Cheryl Morris 

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.   

Music for Going Forth