Everybody In!
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
February 27, 2022
Lindsay Dunckel, with Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Calling all ages, sizes, shapes, and personalities – we mean it – EVERYBODY IN! Join us for a vibrant celebration of widening the circle, through parable, song and . . . well, you’ll see!
Song for Gathering: Everybody In by Peter Mayer, led by Terry Boyles
Welcome Lindsay Dunckel
Refrain: Everybody In!
Lighting of the Chalice “The many hoops that made one circle…” by Black Elk, Oglala Sioux, read by the Matthews family
Land Acknowledgement read by Norah Wiley
Refrain: Everybody In!
Wisdom for All The Good Samaritan, told by Rev. Karyn Packard
Refrain: Everybody In!
Joys and Sorrows
Music by Olivia Rivers Samson, piano
Reading We Rise Like the Flames by Lindsay Dunckel, read by Delaney Sherr
Wisdom for All Indra’s Net, a traditional Buddhist and Hindu story, read by Lindsay Dunckel
Refrain: Everybody In!
25% of our offering this month will support: KARE Crisis Nursery which supports children and families in our community and surrounding areas by providing safe, nurturing care for the small children of families experiencing a stressful situation.
Offertory Celtic Medley, played by Delaney Sherr
Thank you
Closing Words Map of the World as told by Rev. Gretchen Haley, read by Lindsay Dunckel
Refrain: Everybody In!
Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice
Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.