Failing Forward: Shining with Integrity

Failing Forward: Shining with Integrity
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
January 14, 2024
Carol Nimick, Worship Associate

This service is also available to listen to as a podcast on YouTube Music!
UUCM On-the-Go

The One-ness in us, according to Enneagram wisdom, latches on to our desire to be good, to live up to high ethical standards, and to influence the world around us for the better. It’s a lot to take on. This Sunday, still in the season of New Years resolutions, can we loosen our grip on our resolutions, and find a liberating way to hang on to the intuitive urges beneath our resolve? 

Song for Gathering May Your Life Be As a Song #1059 words by Jim Scott, music by Yuri Zaritsky

Greeting  Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Land Acknowledgement 

Lighting of the Chalice Covenant QuianaDenae Perkins for 30 Days of Love 2022

Singing the Children on Their Way  

Welcome Carol Nimick, Worship Associate   

Opening Words  Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Joys & Sorrows  

Prayer & Meditation   

Song  From all the Fret and Fever of the Day words by Monroe Beardsley, music by William Henry Monk

Reading …fall in love…by Rachelle Lamb (  

Sermon Universal-ish by Lore Stevens, read by Tracy Pepper  

Offering  Carol Nimick


Dedication  Carol Nimick 

Thank you & Announcements

Closing Song  Filled With Loving Kindness #1031 traditional Buddhist Meditation, 
music by Ian. W. Riddell 

Closing Words  

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.   

Music for Going Forth