Lessons from Frederick Douglass

Lessons from Frederick Douglass
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
August 4, 2024
Guest Speaker: Sidney Morrison, author
Tracy Pepper & Gail Johnson Vaughan, Worship Associates


Our guest speaker is Sidney Morrison whose new novel on Frederick Douglass has just been published to national acclaim. The book is described as a mesmerizing historical novel richly detailing Douglass’s life and the Civil War Era. Mr. Morrison will speak on Douglass’s life and dedication to social justice, including his early and radical support of Chinese migrant workers who labored in the gold fields of our region.  

The period of Douglass’s life has consequences in our own time.  America’s 19th-century was a crucible of crisis over slavery, the Civil War, and the crusade for women’s equal rights.  We can learn so much from the life of this man who exemplified how we become our better selves when we become the ally of those who are not ourselves.   

An informal Q & A gathering will be held after the service. 

Song for Gathering   I’m on My Way #116 African American Spiritual     

Greeting  Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Land Acknowledgement  read by Allison Rivers

Lighting of the Chalice Words of Frederick Douglass read by Tracy Pepper, Worship Associate 

Singing the Children on Their Way  

Welcome Tracy Pepper, Worship Associate

Opening Words  Sidney Morrison 

Song  Deep River African American Spiritual 

Prayer & Meditation Rev Kevin Tarsa 

Musical Refrain   Deep River Toby Thomas Rose, piano  

Reading Isaiah 55:12 read by Tracy Pepper 

Message  Sidney Morrison 

Offering  Tracy Pepper, Worship Associate

Offertory  Toby Thomas-Rose, piano

Dedication  Tracy Pepper, Worship Associate

Thank you & Announcements

Closing Song  We’re Gonna sit at the Welcome Table #407 traditional

Closing Words  Sidney Morrison 

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.   

Music for Going Forth