Love Can Be a Driving Force for Positive Change in the World

Love Can Be a Driving Force for Positive Change in the World
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
January 7, 2024
Cheryl Morris, Carol Nimick, and Tracy Pepper, Worship Associates

This service is a joyful and inclusive gathering that explores the power of love to liberate hearts and minds. It acknowledges the diverse beliefs, needs, and ways of seeing the world of its participants while emphasizing the common values of love, compassion, and justice. 

Song for Gathering Ring Out, Wild Bells words by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, music British carol, 
refrain by Kevin Tarsa 

Greeting and Land Acknowledgement  Carol Nimick

Lighting of the Chalice Covenant by James Vila Blake, read by Jim Bair

Singing the Children on Their Way  

Welcome Cheryl Morris   

Opening Words  You are Beloved and You are Welcome Here by Rev. Joan Javier-Duval
read by Cheryl Morris and Carol Nimick

Song  There Is More Love Somewhere #95 African American hymn

Joys & Sorrows Tom Wernigg  

Prayer & Meditation  The Home That Love Made by Rev. Amanda Poppei, read by Carol Nimick  

Song  There is a Love words by Rev. Dr Rebecca Parker, music by Elizabeth Norton

Sermon Universal-ish by Lore Stevens, read by Tracy Pepper  

Offering  Cheryl Morris & guest from Sierra Roots


Dedication Cheryl Morris 

Thank you & Announcements

Closing Song  Love Will Guide Us  #131 by Sally Rogers

Closing Words  Now May the Love of Truth Guide You by Jane E Mauldin, 

read by Cheryl Morris and Carol Nimick  

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.   

Music for Going Forth