Never Enough

Never Enough
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
April 14, 2024
Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Randy McKean, Worship Associates

This service is also available to listen to as a podcast on YouTube Music!
UUCM On-the-Go

Sometimes the fun-loving, spontaneous, high-energy, upbeat, enthusiastic part of us is exactly these things. And sometimes these are ways to cope, ways to avoid feeling a deep pain beneath the surface. It is no accident that the Laugh Factory in Hollywood has a Psychologist-in-Residence for its comedians. This Sunday, we look into the Enneagram 7 – the Enthusiast – in all of us.  

Song for Gathering  Come, Come, Whoever You Are  #188 by Louise Ruspini

Greeting  Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Land Acknowledgement 

Lighting of the Chalice  In This Small Flame Dwell by Jean L Wahlstrom, Lindsay Dunckel

Opening Words  Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Singing the Children on Their Way  

Welcome  Randy McKean, Worship Associate 

Sermon, Part 1  Never Enough, Rev. Kevin Tarsa

Joys & Sorrows 

Prayer from Among Us

Song  Finding a Stillness #352 words by Carl G. Seaburg music Transylvanian hymn tune

Reflection Randy McKean, Worship Associate   

Music  Sigusmund Randy McKean, bass clarinet and Toby Thomas-Rose, piano

Sermon, Part 1  Never Enough, Rev. Kevin Tarsa


Offertory I Can’t Get Started by Vernon Duke, Randy McKean, alto sax and Toby Thomas-Rose, piano  


Thank you & Announcements

Closing Song  Amen, Àṣẹ, Blessed Be

Closing Words  

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.   

Music for Going Forth