Opening to Joy: Letting Go to Peace
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
December 12, 2021
Rev. Kevin Tarsa, with Rev. Karyn Packard and Jeff Stone, Worship Associate
Even in these more cautious times, the pace and energy of the holiday season picks up, with challenges, joys, and sadness all amplified. In this annual service inviting embodied peacefulness, we’ll draw on silence, sound, breath, and movement as the words spoken invite us to let go of our striving in order to arrive where we are.
Song for Gathering I’ve Got Peace Like a River #100 by Marvin V. Frey, Rev. Karyn Packard, piano
Land Acknowledgement read by Renee Weilmann
Welcome Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Lighting of the Chalice Promise of Peace by Hal Walker, Jordan Thomas-Rose, Julie Tillinghast, Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Opening Movement Circle of Joy Grace Kendrick
Wisdom for All Ages The Tiger and the Strawberry, as told by Lea Morris, with Joy is Free by Lea Morris
Joys & Sorrows
Song Filled with Loving Kindness #1031, Buddhist meditation, music by Ian W. Riddel, Rev. Karyn Packard, piano
Holding Silence
Prayer Rev. Karyn Packard
Homily Opening to Joy: Letting Go to Peace, Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Offering George Dunstan
25% of our offering this month will support: Hospitality House whose mission is “to bring homeless people in Nevada County into a circle of community caring that offers shelter, sustenance, medical care, advocacy, opportunity, dignity, and hope as we assist them in transitioning from homelessness to housing.”
Since we are not passing a plate in person, giving in other ways is vital to our ability to sustain the work of our community. Thank you for your generosity. See the insert for ways to give by text, PayPal, UUCM’s website or by mail.
Offertory Karyn Packard, piano
Dedication George Dunstan
Thank you
Closing Song There is More Love Somewhere #95, African American Spiritual
Closing Words
Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice
Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.
Music for Going Forth