Peace, Harmony, and the Snooze Button

Peace, Harmony, and the Snooze Button
Unitarian Universalist Community of the Mountains
May 19, 2024
Rev. Kevin Tarsa
Lindsay Dunckel, Worship Associate

This service is also available to listen to as a podcast on YouTube Music!
UUCM On-the-Go

Our final Enneagram type, the Nine, the Peacemaker, is the part of us that is driven to seek inner and outer peace for ourselves and others. This is also the part of us that embodies the fundamental challenge of all spiritual or inner work – being awake rather than asleep to our true nature. Whew. Sounds exhausting. At least to a Nine. Maybe I’ll sleep just a little bit longer. 

Song for Gathering  We Are a Gentle, Angry People #170 by Holly Near  


Land Acknowledgement

Lighting of the Chalice  Come One, Come All! by Ian W. Riddell 

Singing the Children on Their Way  

Welcome  Lindsay Dunckel, Worship Associate 

Opening Words  – Walk A Mile by Pepper Choplin arr. by Mark Hayes, UUCM Choir    

Joys & Sorrows 

Prayer & Meditation  Daoona Nayeesh #1032  words by Samir Badri, music by Ted Warmbrand, 
UUCM Choir & All   

Sermon Part 1  Peace, Harmony, and the Snooze Button  Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Reflection  Lindsay Dunckel, Worship Associate 

Sermon Part 2 Peace, Harmony, and the Snooze Button  Rev. Kevin Tarsa 

Music  Nine by Sleeping At Last 

Offering   Lindsay Dunckel

Offertory De Colores, music Traditional Spanish folk song, UUCM Choir  


Thank you & Announcements

Closing Song Peace Like a River #100 by Marvin V. Frey 

Closing Words 

Community Benediction / Extinguishing of the Chalice  
                Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again.   

Music for Going Forth